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Stellar Coaching is a life coaching business owned and operated by Steffani DiPIlato. Steffani has gone through ample training and life experiences and is now ready to help you make the life you've been dreaming of a reality. 

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My Story

Shy’, ‘anxious’, ‘clutz’, ‘people pleaser’


These are some of the words that I used to use to describe myself. Some of these were self-imposed labels and some were given to me by others, but either way, they all became a part of my identity. I began to self-identify with all of these labels along with others, and because I came to accept these labels as true, they became self- fulfilling prophecies. For years I was all of these things, but not because they were innate characteristics, they were actually learned behaviors and coping mechanisms that I used to protect myself. However, I wouldn’t learn that until years later, not until after these labels took their toll. As these labels played out in my life I became less and less myself until I could no longer recognize who I was. I became stuck living a life I knew was a lie but having no clue how to escape.

Then cue the depression, another label that stuck to me like glue. Of course I was depressed, I didn’t feel like I could be myself. I was living my life for others, catering to their needs instead of my own. Plus I felt alone because no one knew the real me, not even myself. After years of therapy and no real improvement I was hopeless. I thought I was stuck in my ways, and that nothing would ever help. This only deepened the depression. My life began to spiral downhill until I could barely function. I was at risk of losing my job, my apartment, and even my life. I knew that if I was going to survive, then something needed to change. I decided to try life coaching. Now trust me when I say I was skeptical, I had tried so many things and nothing really helped. How was this going to be any different? But I also had nothing to lose, so I decided to go for it.


I noticed a change almost immediately. I was able to dive in and find the root cause of these beliefs and behaviors, and from there I was taught how to shift my perspective and reprogram my thoughts in order to change my circumstances. Before I even finished my sessions I felt like a totally different person. The words I used to describe myself became ‘talented’, ‘creative’, ‘strong’ and ‘confident’. I no longer felt like I had to hide pieces of myself in order to be accepted by others. This change in attitude brought more positive energy back into my life, and with it came positive new opportunities and experiences.  I can honestly say that I’m living the life I want now and that’s something I don’t think I ever would have been able to do without the help of my life coaches.


Now it’s your turn. Are you ready to take control of your life and put those negative labels behind you

once and for all?

My Story

Meet Steffani

Hello! I’m Steffani DiPilato. I’m 25 years old. I currently reside in upstate New York but grew up in Massachusetts. I’m the oldest of seven siblings and have always been a natural leader. I love anything where I can be creative and tell stories. My two biggest passions are dance, which I have been doing since age 5, and helping people. I am told that I am a great listener, reliable and relatable.


What qualifies me to be a life coach?


Besides the certification training course that I attended, what qualifies me is my life experience. In my 25 years on Earth I have experienced trauma, heartache, addiction, rejection, and a slew of mental health diagnoses that have come with it all. What sets me apart from others is the work I’ve done to overcome these obstacles. I can offer you tried and self- tested solutions to address areas where you feel stuck in order to get you on the right path to live your best life.

Meet Me
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